Expression of Interest

Please complete the form linked to below to indicate that you're interested in being a part of EduLAIT. You don't have to work for a Local Authority - you'll be able to indicate this as part of the form. If you do work for an LA, please complete as much information about your employer and role as you can. This will help to put you in touch with those near to you, both in terms of geography and in terms of what your role entails.

Any information you give will only be used to contact you about future developments of EduLAIT. In the event of there being a directory of individuals, you'll be given the chance to specify what information is held about you.

Note that the form is held on a Google Docs page, so if that is blocked where you are now use the buttons at the bottom of the page to send it to yourself in another way, or email this page's URL to yourself somewhere else.

Expression of Interest Form (opens in new window or tab)